Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Kittens have arrived!

The kittens have arrived.  They are staying in Mrs Compston's office until they feel safe and happy at our school.  A3 and A4 got to go and meet them and they are very cute! 

Here are some kitten inspired stories.

The kittens don't have names yet.  Please let us know your suggestions. 


Unknown said...

Awwww! Great photos Miss Mac! The kittens are so cute. I think we should call them Spongebob and Gary. What do you think A3?

Miss Lepou

Helen said...

Good stories and you read them so well.
My cat likes to eat ice-cream and sleep in the sun just like yours Charin.
Have the kittens met Stu and Chester yet?

MrsWatson said...

Oh they are so cute!
I hope Nanas gets to meet them!

Learning Together said...

We love your kittens A3 they are soooo cute! We have told A4 that we think Bella and Daisy would be good names. Give Stu a hug from us!
From Prep K and Mrs Kennedy.
PS we loved your stories too!

MrsWatson said...

We have some ideas for names for your kittens

Tigee - Sarah
Fluffy and wooly - Taylah
Molly and Thomas - Gemma
Floyd and Abbey - Regan
Chocolate and Marshmellow - Patrick

From the Springston Explorers

Alex said...

your story is cool.