Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Porcupine fish

Today we got to look at a real porcupine fish.  We were pretty excited and some of us were a little scared!

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

We talked about why it has spines and Solomon was keen to tell us that they are to protect it from other fish and sharks(have a look at the video on the left of our blog).  Here is a video of Solomon telling us what he knows about puffer fish.  

After all that the children thought it would be fun to pretend to be puffer fish. Bill was the shark and when he came near us we had to puff up to scare him away!  Lucky for us it worked!

Alice drew this picture of the puffer fish on kid pix.

We'd love to hear what you know about porcupine fish, please leave us a comment.  


Unknown said...

Wow what a busy and exciting day you had A3!! Solomon you sound like a puffer fish expert! Did you know that puffer fish are very poisonous?

D3 said...

Hi A3, I really like all your Puffer Fish actions. You all look like very good Puffer Fish. Alice I really like you picture, it shows the Puffer Fish so well.
Ms Cossey

Anonymous said...

Did you know that puffer fish are so poisonous they can kill up to 30 people.

Anonymous said...

Wow Bill you make a scary shark but those puffer fish look scary too.
I can't wait to see the puffer fish you are making

C1 said...

C1 really liked your puffer fish because it was interesting. Miss Lamb saw some in Rarotonga. A dog caught one but the puffer fish made the spikes so big that the dog ran away.

Mrs Compston said...

I think that you were a great Puffer fish and if I was in A3 I would blow myself up very BIG if you were chasing me.
Mrs Compston


Great Puffer fish Alice!