
Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Last Post

Hi everyone, this will be the last post on All Things Great and Small.  The children are moving on into year three classes and Miss Mac is going to be teaching at Tamaki Primary.  Miss Mac will be blogging with her new class when school begins in February, click here to access Room 11's blog.  Thanks to all our followers and supporters, we have enjoyed sharing our work with you all over the last three years.  


  1. Hi miss mac its me Noelani are you
    to be on holiday? I went to your school and it look's like our school. Did loveday come to your

  2. Hi Noelani,
    I am still on holiday but I've been at my new school getting the classroom ready. Loveday and her Mum came to my house to drop Wally off. They said Wally had a great time on holiday. I hope you are enjoying your holiday and are looking forward to starting school.

  3. I wonder what your new class room would look like? I am looking forward to starting school. Tell
    wally I said Hi.

    1. Hi I'm Rachel Pan. I miss you so much. Like Noelani, tell Wally I said hi.

  4. I'm glad you are looking forward to school. Wally says hi back! He is looking forward to starting school again too. Good luck for your first day back.

  5. Good luck in your new class room!

  6. The pictures all looked amazing and I was very happy.

  7. I have always liked your posts A3
    I wish that you were not going to another school and that you were staying at our school and make more amazing posts on your awesome blog.

  8. Are you busy everyday?
    We had a fair and it was so fun!
    I wish you where there.
    Hi Edrin

  9. oww are you not going to post eny thing up again?

  10. take potos of your clss members

    1. Hi hayzelvyear 5 ay you miss your teacher ay

  11. Hi Noelani and Hayzel. I heard that the school fair was a lot of fun! What did you do there? I won't be posting anything else on A3's old blog, but the old posts will always be there for you to have a look at. I hope you are enjoying your new classes.

    Miss Kirsty

  12. Hi miss mac how come it took long for you to comment on the blog?
    sorry I took long write on the blog.

  13. Hi miss mac its me again why can't
    we have a look on some of the videos?
    any way love to stay and chat but I got to go bye!

  14. Hi Noelani, sorry it took me so long to write back on the blog but my work is very busy! What videos aren't working? I will have to look and see if I can fix them.

  15. Well lets just say a few of them are working.(embarrassed)

  16. Its o.k. that you were too busy.

  17. Umm... Miss Kristy are you still
    commenting on the blog?

  18. Did you guy's have fun under the elephant and how did yous feel was it cool or was it cold under there anyway my new teacher name is miss kirsty and it use to be you guy teacher and my name is Losana from Tamaki Primary School!

  19. Hi Losana I'm Miss Kirstys old student. Is Miss Kirsty teaching you cool suff?

  20. It wasn't really cold.

  21. Hi its me Katie what are you having lots of fun in NZ.

  22. Hi Katie I never knew YOU would be commenting. Do you know last year how Hayzel Vicky Rooshan Jerome and me were in A3 where all in A6 again!!!!!!!!!!

    I wish you were here

  23. I don't get it every time I google Papatoetoe the name is sill there.

  24. i wish i was there too!!! i miss EVERYONE!! i am now in 5/6r and people have been so nice to me!! what grade are all you guys in, im in grade 6! and im almost off to high school. i know its much more different then new zealand! and YES i still have the cards from EVERYONE that wrote me something!!

    miss you guys so much!!! xxx
