
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ready to Fly

Wally is leaving to go on a big trip around Europe today.  He has spent a lot of time packing and now he can't wait to get going.  He will put up posts about his journeys so keep checking the blog for updates.


  1. A3 will miss you wally and miss mac and what time do you go miss you

  2. Hi Hayzel and Katie. Wally and I left on Saturday afternoon.

  3. Hi Ms Mac and Wally, have a great trip. Can't wait to read about it on the blog.

  4. hi wally and miss mac a3 still miss you a lot we all got lots of lrttters say ing are you sad that miss macis gone and we reply saying yes I am very sad that is how much a3 miss you and wally

  5. i will miss you very much what are you doing their?
